Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Humphrey Bogart Blogathon Announcement+ Blog Updates

As most of you probably know by now, Humphrey Bogart is my favorite actor. In honor of his 112th birthday on December 25th, I've decided to host my first blogathon, which will run from December 23-December 25th. I realize that's it's three months away, but if you'd like to participate, I ask that you let me know by December 22nd. Your post can be about his films, his life or anything else Bogie-related.

Here are a few banners I made to promote the blogathon (feel free to make your own if you'd rather):

Just a few other blog updates:

Starting Saturday, I'll be changing the blog header at the beginning of every month featuring a film that somehow relates to that particular month.

Also, I'll be starting a new "blog series" called My Favorite Films. As the title says, about once or twice a month I'll do blog posts talking about some of my favorite films, mainly focusing on my top twenty for now. I'm planning to blog about a few special films to coincide with the blogathon in December.

If you have any questions about the blogathon, let me know in the comments, or contact me through Twitter.


  1. Ooh, sounds good. I'm definitely in. Now I just need to find a Bogart movie I haven't seen...

  2. Oh, I am so in! I can't pass this one up!

  3. I've never been on a blogathon, I really want to! So yes, I am in, too! Is there going to be a list of films we need to watch, or something?

  4. I'm in for the blogathon, too ;)

  5. Maria- Nope. Just submit any Bogie-related posts :)

  6. I'm in!!! Yay! Meredith, you're hosting a blogathon!!! Looks awesome.


  7. A Bogie blogathon? Try and keep me away!

  8. Oh, yes! Another blogathon for me! Joy, joy, joy!!! Count me in!

  9. You can certainly count in The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World.

  10. Definitely going to be in this! Count me in ;)

    Thanks for hosting,

  11. Count Le Mot du Cinephiliaque in! With some features about Bogie! The banner's already posted!

  12. I would love to participate too!

  13. Excellent idea. I'd better start reacquainting myself with some old favourites . . .

  14. Meredith, if you haven't locked anybody in for either THE BIG SLEEP, ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT, or DEAD RECKONING, I'd love to blog about one of those. If it turns out they're all taken already, I'll be content to read the Bogart blog posts you and/or others write! :-)

  15. Meredith, count me in! I'm looking forward to participating.

  16. Oh, I'd love to participate in the Bogie blogathon! :)

  17. Meredith, what exactly do we have to do to secure a place in your Bogart Blogathon anyway? Inquiring minds want to know!

  18. OMG I want to participate!!

  19. Hey, just heard about the blogathon, and I would love to participate!

  20. Aaah... there's a Bogart film in my To Watch stack, and this is just the motivation I need to watch it!

    Count me it at Shades of Gray.

  21. I'd love to be in the Bogie Bloagathon. I had thought I'd posted a comment on here earlier, but I must not have. Anyways, I'm so in.

  22. Anybody spoken for "Return of Doctor X"?
    If not, I'd love to do it!

  23. Just posted my review of we're No angels at my blog

